For centuries, yerba mate has been considered a gift from the gods. Coffee lovers enjoy it as well since yerba mate caffeine content is significantly higher than other teas. Yerba mate was central to South American life for medicinal and nutritional purposes....
It might not come as a surprise for you that there is a significant amount of caffeine in black tea. But is this amount enough? Mornings are hard. Sometimes we need a little boost to encourage us to get out of bed. When we are tired and still groggy, something...
Oolong tea is an offshoot of the Camellia Sinensis plant. Oolong leaves are withered in the sun to cause the trademark curling and twisting and achieve oxidation levels between 8 and 85%. With flavors ranging from honey and fruity to nutty and woody, roasted oolongs...
About Me
Hi, my name is Abigail Bradley, founder of TeaAllure. Tea is my passion, and this blog is dedicated to provide all the information for this marvelous gift of nature.
Have a Cup of Tea!
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